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1 Million Women & AusTiger Hosting: Naturally

By  Jeff Pond

1 Million Women was founded by entrepreneur Natalie Isaacs to address climate change by "building a global movement of women and girls. [Her] vision is to empower women everywhere to act on climate change through the way they live.” 
The green, grassroots organisation selected AusTiger Hosting in 2009. When 1 Million Women launched, they wanted to work with an organization as committed to green values as their own. 

They quickly identified AusTiger Hosting because it was (and remains) one of the only Australian web hosting providers providing fully committed green service. This includes hosting facilities fully powered by clean, renewable energy that does not rely on carbon offsets. Using solar power generation, AusTiger generates 1870 kilowatt-hours/month.

High Availability Hosting is Critical to 1 Million Women’s Mission receives over 8,000 visitors a day. As 1 Million Women’s hosting requirements have evolved over the past few years, they have committed several website rebuilds to accommodate periods of strong growth. 

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AusTiger Hosting’s commitment to green operations opened the discussion for 1 Million Women’s high-availability hosting requirements, but the ability to keep pace with a dynamic organization dedicated to rapid growth has kept 1 Million Women working with AusTiger.

As a membership-driven organization of nearly 800,000+ women and girls, 1 Million Women’s website provides a hub for membership, donations, information, and carbon footprint assessment. Their message — "How we live each day matters. One small action at a time multiplied by millions and millions changes the system.” — is both disseminated and supported by their website. 

AusTiger Delivers with Unparalleled Support and Reliability

This means they need reliable hosting and responsive support. The kind of support that AusTiger provides day in, day out for its hosting customers. 

AusTiger Hosting is Australia's best Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting service delivering power, redundancy, scalability and support. With service that remains stable during peak load, your organization or business can sustain unexpected spikes in site traffic with no loss of service. All of our sites are backed-up to ensure business continuity in the face of any disaster.  Our support team is rock-solid with the experience and skill to solve any support request — quickly and efficiently. AusTiger’s security prevents hacking and website defacement. 

Learn more about 1 Million Women:

Web Site





Learn how you can cut your carbon emissions with AusTiger Hosting:

Carbon Calculator